Potter-Belmar Labs live at the Santa Fe Complex

This Friday, 29 May at 8pm

An evening of live cinema performance, experimental videos, and discussion with Potter-Belmar Labs.

Santa Fe Complex is located at 632 Agua Fria, next to the Railyard Art District.  Click here for a map to the location, a representative shot showing the Railyard District and a sketchup drawing. 

For more information, call 505/216.7562.

Easy Rider

Potter-Belmar Labs interviews Matthew Drutt, Executive Director of ArtPace on emvergeoning.

"I’m a big believer in cycles, and I’ve lived through a couple of them already. In boom times, I do not spin like a maniac. I also don’t horde my nuts like a squirrel. But I know that a ten year run has to come to an end, and when it crashes it sometimes crashes pretty badly."

Media Archaeology ...might be good

Are you...are you...here with me? Upon this misty mountain?

Potter-Belmar Labs reviews the Aurora Picture Show Media Archaeology Festival in this week's ...might be good e journal. This year's festival featured the Joshua Light Show, the Silver Apples, and a lecture by Robin Oppenheimer.

Media Archeology Festival by Leslie Raymond and Jason Jay Stevens